interessant international Lotus side

interessant international Lotus side

Indlægaf jesper skrevet 2. jul 2009, 22:36

Jeg har "opdaget" en Lotus side som hedder, og jeg kan varmt anbefale andre at se/læse det der er skrevet. Der er alt for Lotus entuaster.

Der er ligeledes en tranlater i højre side af siden, så man kan få det hele på dansk, det gør det lidt nemmere at læse.

Jeg er blevet kontaktet af Taylor der har siden, han havde læst om mit projekt med at bygge en Audi motor med automatisk gearkasse i min Europa, og vil gerne lave en artikel om ombygningen.
Jesper Moesgaard

Her er hans mail:


I run Lotus Enthusiast (, the world's largest Lotus news and features website.

If we may, we would be interested in documenting your Europa Special automatic build. Can you send me any photos and more information?

I saw your thread on Lotus Talk; where else have you posted about this car? My friend also runs , a large Audi website and would probably be interested as well.

Best of luck,

Taylor Pfeifer

Hello Jesper,

Wow, this sounds like quite a project! I am interested and I think our readers would be interested too.

If you would like to segment the build into a couple parts I would be interested in posting photos and updates on the progress of the build.

Which version of the Audi 1.8 are you using? From which car? The 1.8T 225 from the Mk1 Audi TT could make for a fast Europa!

Best of luck,

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Tilmeldt: 17. maj 2007, 18:30
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